EAM Easy Asset Manager
EAM – Easy Asset Manager is complete professional management solution for inventory and monitoring of assets.
Minimum investment and it is reliable as a computer cloud! Access the web application that is on our cloud platform. Insert the asset in the web application and print the label with the QR code and related information.
Printing labels is done easily with the unique Brother P-touch printer, the world leader in label printing. Stick the label and assign asset to a user who uses it.
After a while … When it comes time to make an inventory list, just walk with a smile through a company with a mobile phone or tablet (Android, Apple) and scan all QR codes.
The system will automatically remind you which resources are not scanned, and you search for them or their users. In this way, a finished inventory list is created quickly and easily, and the list is done without the possibility of error and loss of resources.

Asset protection
Asset monitoring
Purchase planing
it’s impossible to delete it.
Track assets, so you will know
at every moment who is responsible
for asset, where is located,
asset status and condition
Scanning QR code on asset helps
to verify all info about asset.
Helps in planning future purchase
based on asset age

QR codes
Print labels
With QR codes you can use
any smartphone to check
Always available precise reports
based on location or asset groups.
Labels are printed with
Brother P-Touch thermo printer
from PC.
Labels exists in many colors
Also you can use special security labels

Asset protection

Asset monitoring
U svakom momentu znate raspoloživost i njihovo stanje

Skeniranje QR kodova verifikujete vlasništvo

Purchase planing
Planirajte nabavku zastarelih sredstava

QR codes
Svaki mobilni uređaj se može koristit za kontrolu

Uvek dostupni izveštaji po grupama i lokacijama

Print labels
Pomoću Brother P-touch štampača

U raznim bojama kao i sa zaštitom od cepanja
Print labels
Standard dimension of label is 50x24mm or 70x24mm. Print is formed with thermal transfer ink which is located between two protective polyethylene layers. Because of specific multilayer design labels are very durable in different temperature and ambiental conditions.
2 label types : Labels with standard/strong glue for general usage. Security labels which can not peel off without label damage (can not change labels between labels). Labels can be stick on many different materials… Metal, glass, plastic, etc
Labels are tested on external influences. One tape is 8m long and can be printed up to 160 labels.
Benefits of the Brother P-Touch Sticker:
- Resistant to various environmental influences
- The label is secured and firmly attached to the surface
- If necessary, it can be easily stripped off without traces or protected from tearing off with security series labels
- Labels are readable, resistant to stains and scratches


BS COmputer
+381 23 601 200
Vladimira cvetkova 43,

Fedra Computer
+381 23 589 780
Zmaj Jovina 31,

japi com doo
+381 21 477 40 08
rumenačka 13,
novi sad

Demark DOO
+381 11 316 92 17

+381 21 551 311
Joakima Vujića 16,
Novi Sad

Softver-informacioni sistemi doo
+381 11 219 85 77
Radoja Dakića 10,
Zemun, Beograd